
Federico Mon




Intro to Async Queued Task Execution


SQJobs implementation



Not so long ago, Celery was used in Ticketea.


Some Split-brains happened in RabbitMQ, leading to a lot of work to fix the situation.


Workers go on strike



Migrations to OpenERP were taking >48 hours


The goal was to quit using Celery and RabbitMQ and use something simpler instead


For more details you can ask Iñaki or Miguel

@igalarzab and @maraujop

The problem

Resilience in a network

"Resiliency is the ability to provide and maintain an acceptable level of service in the face of faults and challenges to normal operation."


Possible solutions:

Use an existing solution

RQ (Redis)


Create our own solution


  • Easier to debug
  • Choose the broker we want
  • Scratch your own itch

Crafting the solution

Different delivery guarantees

  • Only-once-delivery
  • At-least-once-delivery

If we pick only-once-delivery…

What if messages are dropped?


If we pick at-least-once-delivery…

Then, what if messages are received more than once?


Write Idempotent Jobs


The success

Migration to OpenERP took 6 hours


SQjobs workers are quite fast, and easier to debug than Celery's

At least for us :)


The Job

Must be in jobs.py

models.py must exist

Sample Job

from sqjobs.job import Job

class AdderJob(Job):
    name = 'adder_job'
    queue = 'my_queue'

    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return sum(args)

Launching a Job

From python

from sqjobs import create_sqs_broker
from myapp.jobs import AdderJob

kwargs = {
    'access_key': settings.SQJOBS_SQS_ACCESS_KEY,
    'secret_key': settings.SQJOBS_SQS_ACCESS_KEY
broker = create_sqs_broker(**kwargs)
broker.add_job(AdderJob, *[1, 2, 3, 4])

From PHP

$payload = array(
    'name' => $task_name,
    'args' => $args,
    'kwargs' => $kwargs
$json_payload = json_encode($payload);

$this->_sqs = new AmazonSQS($amazon_config['aws_key'], $amazon_config['aws_secret_key']);
$result = $this->_sqs->send_message($this->_queue_urls[$queue_name], base64_encode($json_payload));

The Worker

Workers listen in a queue and execute jobs

Built as a django command

You can launch as many as you want


$ ./manage.py sqjobs worker $queue_name

Eager mode

Eager mode is a simpler execution mode

Tasks are run synchronously

Instead of sending them to the message broker

So there is no need for a queue nor running workers.

Meant for development and unit testing.

Sample execution

>>> from sqjobs import create_eager_broker
>>> broker = create_eager_broker()
>>> from jobs import AdderJob
>>> job_added = broker.add_job(AdderJob, *[1, 2, 3])
>>> job_added 
('fdb005d3-276f-4f75-8e8e-c8fcde67043c', AdderJob())
>>> job_added[1].result

A Result-backed Job

Status of the job is stored in a database.

It uses a Django model, Django is needed here.

Can be used, for example, in a web application, to know when the job is done or fails, and act accordingly.

Sample ResultJob

from sqjobs.contrib.django.djsqjobs.result_job import ResultJob

class DummyResultJob(ResultJob):
    name = 'dummy_result_job'
    queue = 'dummy_queue'

    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):

How to use a resultjob

>>> from sqjobs.contrib.django.djsqjobs.models import JobStatus
>>> my_job = JobStatus.objects.get(job_id='1234')
>>> if my_job.status == JobStatus.SUCCESS:
...     print my_job.result

A Periodic task

Will be executed like if they were in a crontab.

This requires another piece of software

called Beater

Cron ranges can be localized to a timezone

And support daylight saving changes.

Sample PeriodicJob

from djsqjobs import PeriodicJob

class DummyPeriodicJob(PeriodicJob):
    name = "dummy_periodic_job"
    queue = "my_queue"

    schedule = "1 0 * * *"
    timezone = "Europe/Madrid"

    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):

The Beater

A special component that queue jobs at the right moment.

By waking up every certain time, check what jobs should be queued, and reprogram them.

You can launch as many as you need.

So if any of them dies, the others will queue your job.

They use the django database to synchronise and launch the job only once.

Despite your jobs should be idempotent.


$ ./manage.py sqjobs beater $queue_name

Set up and Tear down

Job execution is divided in three different stages:

set_up, run, tear_down

  • Only run is mandatory
  • set_up would be called before run if exists
  • And tear_down right after run if exists.

Sample Job

from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta
from six import add_metaclass
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger('timed_job')

class TimedJob(Job):

    def set_up(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(TimedJob, self).set_up(*args, **kwargs)
        self.start_time = datetime.now()

    def tear_down(self, *args, **kwargs):
        end_time = datetime.now()
        delta = end_time - self.start_time
        logger.info('%s finished in %d seconds' % (self.name, (delta * 1000).seconds))
        super(TimedJob, self).tear_down(*args, **kwargs)

    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError

Failure and Success

We can define failure and success methods

on_success and on_failure methods will be called depending on the output of our job execution.

Example of on_success and on_failure

from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta
from six import add_metaclass
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger('logger_job')

class LoggerJob(Job):

    def on_success(self, *args, **kwargs):
        logger.log('Successfully finished job %s' % self.name)
        super(LoggerJob, self).on_success(*args, **kwargs)

    def on_failure(self, *args, **kwargs):
        logger.log('Failed job %s' % self.name)
        super(LoggerJob, self).on_failure(*args, **kwargs)

    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError

